获得护理准学士学位,成为 幸运28计划
认证 | Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission |
幸运28计划的长度 | 20 - 24个月 |
毕业学分 | 72 - 73学分 |
位置 | 在多个校区提供 |
格式 | 在线 general education classes + core on-campus courses |
转移学分 | 最多52-54个认可学分 |
快速通道 | 更快的ASN桥接路径 lpn, 护理人员, cvt, 即时战略游戏, 军队医务人员; degree pathways to continue your education in the future (BSN, MSN) |
Overview: 大专文凭 in 护理程序
该学位课程为学生提供基本的护理知识和技能, 健康评估, 循证实践, 还有更多.
We work hard to help you maintain school-life balance, striving to be as flexible as 幸运28计划 for busy non-traditional students.
We support your ongoing career advancement by providing comprehensive, personalized student services with lifelong career coaching.
不用担心申请截止日期. Apply when you’re ready 和 prepare to get started soon.
而ASN计划确实提供了完成在线通识教育课程的机会, 这不是一个在线课程. You will need to take nursing classes in-person at one of our campuses in 阿拉巴马州, 佛罗里达, 田纳西州, 或俄亥俄州.
软件下载确实为想成为注册护士的学生提供了其他的在线护理途径, 还有一个额外的在线护理前通识研究副学士学位选择,为那些GPA太低而现在没有资格进入护理学校的人提供.
Please contact admissions for enrollment procedures.
常见 问题
因为拥有BSN的护士已经获得了下一个学位,并且通常在就业市场上具有优势, they will on aver年龄 earn a slightly higher salary than nurses with an ASN. 然而, there are always exceptions; an ASN with several years of an experience may earn a higher salary than an RN with a BSN who is just starting their career.
- ASN:护理学副学士
- 护理学副学士学位
- AASN: Associate of Applied Science in 护理
为了有资格参加NCLEX考试并成为注册护士, there isn’t much of a difference between these types of degrees.
在一般情况下, 高等教育机构根据其课程的性质和他们所强调的优先事项来确定使用的术语.
作为一个以职业为中心的组织, Herzing大学 stresses the importance of real, 引人入胜的课程为您在该领域的工作做好准备-因此软件下载在伯明翰提供护理科学协会(ASN), 纳什维尔, 奥兰多, 和坦帕校区, our 亚克朗市 campus offers an Associates of Applied Science in 护理 (AASN).
比较ADN和ADN. BSN和发现的区别 between the two undergraduate degree paths for nurses.
The biggest difference between a diploma in nursing 和 an 副学士护理课程 is that students in an associate degree program take college courses, 而文凭课程的学生则不需要. 获得一个 实用护理文凭 所需时间比副学士学位要少(软件下载的课程可以在12个月内完成). 副学士学位课程可能需要大约2年的时间才能完成,并为学生获得注册护士执照做准备.
副学士学位课程的好处是你可以有资格成为注册护士,并在继续教育方面有一个良好的开端——你的大学课程学分可能会转化为一份工作 online RN到BSN or RN转MSN程序 should you choose to advance your education in the future.
文凭课程的好处是你可以作为一名护士更快地开始护理工作 执业护士(持牌护士) 和 more 很快 discover if nursing is the right career for you.
你不可能100%在线完成任何认可的护理副学士学位课程. There are some programs that offer all online coursework, 但在任何幸运28计划中,你都需要完成一定数量的实验室或临床时间, 这是无法在网上完成的.
Herzing大学ASN课程确实提供了灵活性,可以在线完成您的通识教育课程. Otherwise the remainder of the program must be completed on campus.
是的. Dem和 remains extremely high for all registered nurses, 如果你获得了副学士学位, pass the NCLEX 和 meet the board of nursing requirements in your state, 你是其中之一.
拥有学士学位的护士在获得医院的护理职位时可能会有优势(尤其是医院寻找护士) 磁铁的地位), 但目前护士需求量很大,许多医疗机构都渴望雇佣ASN护士.
认证评估 & 披露的信息
Herzing大学 is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (hlcommission.org), an institutional accreditation 年龄ncy recognized by the U.S. 教育部.
程序 | 完成率 | 通过率(NCSBN)* |
亚克朗市 校园: Associate of Applied Science in 护理 | 43.52% | 72.97% |
伯明翰 校园: Associate of Science in 护理 | 46.96% | 91.43% |
伯明翰校区:实用护理 | 23.91% | 100% |
奥兰多的校园: Associate of Science in 护理 | 28.24% | 78.51% |
Note (1): NCLEX Pass Rate is based on first time exam takers from January 1, 2022年至12月31日, 2022.
*Official Data is still under review by NCSBN.
注(2):按时完成课程的学生的课程完成率计算从第一个护理课程的第一天开始计算入学人数,到完成授予学位所需的课程为止. Data presented is in the aggregate for students who started the program in 2020.
*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.